Linear motion, free fall and collision experiments
Here you will find the complete compilation for the experiment topic. This allows 1 working group to carry out all the experiments included in the topic.
In addition to the experiment materials, the DIGITAL compilation always includes the Mobile-CASSY 2 WiFi and the required sensors. The Mobile-CASSY 2 WiFi makes it possible to measure directly into the digital experiment instructions Lab Docs on any student end devices.
It only needs to be purchased once per working group and can be used for all other experiment topics. If you already have the Mobile-CASSY 2 WiFi and the sensors, you can delete the devices in the product list to get an offer.
Material that you only need once per laboratory can one by one be put directly on the product list. This includes the literature packages with the digital experiment instructions Lab Docs. Information on the digital, interactive Lab Docs can be found HERE.