Technical Chemistry - Digital

Technical Chemistry - Digital
Technical Chemistry - Digital

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This experiment/set up contains dangerous goods.
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The experiment topic is completely compiled for 1 working group. Please order in the number of working groups.


With the experiments from the field of technical chemistry, your students transfer their basic chemical knowledge to their everyday life. For example, they apply chemical equilibrium to the topic of lime and gypsum or draw on the basics of organic chemistry in the topic of dyes. The topics of metal, plastics or soaps also offer direct relevance to everyday life. You can use the latest measuring technology with our Mobile-CASSY 2 WLAN.

The same Science Lab drawer is required for the subject areas "Biochemistry" and "Technical Chemistry". If you want to purchase both subject areas, you only need the sets once. In this way, we enable you to cover both subject areas in class with little further additional material.

Components of equipment sets

1 207200S
Science Lab Chemistry Basic CB (Set) LD
1 207241S
Science Lab Technical and Biochemistry TBC (Set) LD
2 610010  8 
Laboratory safety goggles LD
1 6667031  8 
Teclu burner, propane LD
1 607020  8 
Safety gas hose, 0.5 m LD
1 667609  4 
Safety gloves, nitrile rubber, size 8 LD
1 666839  4 
Magnetic stirrer with hotplate LD
1 666851  4 
Stirring magnet, 25 mm x 6 mm Ø, circular LD
1 ADACB501  4 
Compact scale 500 g : 0.1 g LD
1 524450  8 
Electrochemistry Box M LD
1 524005W2
Mobile-CASSY 2 WiFi LD
1 666194  4 
Protective sleeves for temperature probe, set of 5 LD
1 6656353  4 
Handlamp UV LD
additionally required per class:
1 679240
** Chemicals Science Lab Technical Chemistry LD
GHS00 This product contains dangerous substances!
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1 6753410  4 
** Water, pure, 5 l LD
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1 661081  4 
** Aluminium, foil, 1 roll LD
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1 52072  4 
** LIT-digital: LC Science Lab Chemistry LD
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Articles marked with ** are additionally required.

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